Mocanuconstantin - 31 ani
Mie greu sa fac o descriere obiectiva. Cind vine vorba despre noi intotdeauna suntem subiectivi(vrem sau nu). Pe scurt. romantic, spiritual si de cele mai multe ori tolerant. Punct si de la capat. citeodata visator, rafinat cu un bun simt al umorului. Motto in viata. " Toate sunt ingaduite, insa nu toate imi sunt de folos" . Sunt de parere ca lucrurile bune se intimpla cind le astepti mai putin. Ce caut. o femeie care sa stie sa ma faca s-o doresc in fiecare zi. Dupa cum vedeti este greu sa te descri singur sau sa spui ce vrei, cel mai bine ar fi sa ne descoperim impreuna. doresti sa sti mai multe. intreaba???P. S. Cele cu poza au o sansa in plus la raspuns, cele nu sory. C. Life is precious and finding that special person to share life with takes luck and nurturing. I am stil loking for that special someone to make special. It is important to find someone who shares your values, your hopes and your dreams, someone who you can communicate with openly and with acceptance and not criticism. This person should also be able to compromise and enjoy other points of view. Kind, considerate and caring, warm and loving is a very important quality as wel. Being there for one another is crucial. I am youthful, attractive and physicaly fit. I enjoy life and am a romantic soul. People are under a misconception regarding the longevity of romance in a relationship. I feel and have always felt that when two people are attracted to one another and have strong feelings for one another that the intensity never dies. it evolves into a stronger bond. I wil always be a romantic!
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