sylvia - 55 ani
Dear \\r\\n\\r\\nI was sent down to earth for a mission, a mission to find someone that will complete me. I never thought that my task would be fulfilled till the very moment I met you. I had finally found the perfection that I had been seeking for all my life. At the very moment, I didn\\\'t believe my eyes as the man that I thought only existed in fairytale now stood facing me. Staring at the moon each night, I saw your gentle smile, the smile that gave me the strength to make the impossible possible.\\r\\n\\r\\nMy affection for you grows each and everyday. I am totally addicted to you, and you\\\'re the only drug that kept me from dying. When I looked into those eyes of yours, I saw the real me, a person that lives for a goal and a purpose. I pray hard each day, just to hope that you and I can be in a relationship that is more than just friends someday. For now, I\\\'ve written this letter to declare my love for you and I will be right here waiting for you.\\r\\n\\r\\nLove always,\\r\\nYour Angel Mrss sylvia
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